One of my greatest weaknesses is a lack of confidence. When I was little, I remember being very strong headed (or bone-headed, as my dad called it). Even as a young adult, I was confident in who I was and what I wanted in life. I wanted a family, success, a home, and to please my parents. But, as I started having children, I became lost in being a mama. And, while there is no greater joy in life than being a mother to my beautiful blessings, I find myself trying to search for that old me. The me that would have time to read a book- and finish it. The me that could out play all of my siblings on a basketball court. The me that is not me anymore.

In those moments, I find peace in the task that God has given me. I remember that that person is not lost, just changing at this stage of life. She is molding and shaping into the mama that cares for her children, that reads them stories, teaches them scripture, and shoots hoops in the plastic Little Tikes basketball hoop.

Beautiful Mama, you are amazing. You are strong. You are loved. Remember that God made you specifically for this task. He gave you everything you need to raise your children. He lives in YOU. Find confidence in Jesus Christ. You are His and His alone. This phase of life may feel never ending (trust me, I know), but it will go by before you know it. Cherish each and every moment.

Let us Pray Together,

Dear Heavenly Father, we are in awe of You. You knew who we were before we were even born. You call us each by name and know our prayers before they are spoken. We thank you for your mercy and love. God, we ask that you would give us wisdom to raise our children in Your Holy Name. That we would utilize every tool in our belt to glorify You. In Jesus name, Amen